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Madisonville Elementary School

Welcome to Madisonville Elementary School


School hours 7:50 am – 3:30 pm. Breakfast and lunch is free for all students on our campus. Both meals will be handled in the classroom. Parents may begin drop off at 7:30 am. Please note that our back entry will close at 8:00 am. At that time drop off will continue at the front of the building. Students must be on time and present every day. For your child’s safety and to minimize disruption to his or her education, do not plan to pick your student up early unless there is an emergency. As a safety precaution we are limiting the number of visitors in our building.


Without a doctor’s note, students will be counted absent if they leave before 9:30 am.


For classroom specific information, please sign up for Remind through that particular teacher.



School hours 7:50 am – 3:30 pm. Breakfasts and lunches are free for all students on our campus. Parents may begin drop off at 7:30 am. Please note that our back entry will close at 8:00 am. At that time drop off will continue at the front of the building. Students must be on time and present every day. For your child’s safety and to minimize disruption to his or her education, do not plan to pick your student up early unless there is an emergency. As a safety precaution we are limiting the number of visitors in our building.


Without a doctor’s note, students will be counted absent if they leave before 9:30 am. If your student is absent, upon return send a doctor’s note or your dated note detailing the absence. The note must include the student’s first name, last name and the classroom teacher’s name.

Parents/Guardians will receive automated telephone calls on days that their student is absent. Please listen to the message before calling the school.

If you must pick a child up early, call ahead and plan to get here before 2:00 pm.

Be prepared to wait outside the door due to safety concerns. Visitors will be required to present an ID.

Transportation Changes- Please call the front office before 2:00 pm on the day of the change

If you write a note:                                                                                                          Include the child’s first and last name, his or her teacher’s name, your name and contact number. The first and last name of the individual picking the student up and where the student is going.

If your student is changing from a car rider to a bus rider, call the Bus Barn           (936) 348-2133 as well.

For classroom specific information, please sign up for Remind through that particular teacher.

Address or Telephone number changes- Please keep your contact information current. If your student rides a bus, call both the school (936 348-2261 and the bus barn(936) 348-2133 if you are changing your physical address. Durham will not seat students unless their parents have spoken to an employee at the bus barn.


FOOD- Meals are free for all students. There will be a cost if the student goes back for seconds. No lunch visits will occur during the first four full weeks of school. Please call the school to schedule lunch visits for kindergarten-second grade students. Limit visitors to two people per student (this does include a sibling). We do not schedule lunch visits for pre-kindergarten students. No visits will be scheduled on testing or student activity days.



Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV)- Although you are not restricted on what you can send in your child’s lunch, he/she is prohibited from sharing foods identified on the FMNV (Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value) list. 

Students may be given FMNV candy items or other restricted foods during the school day for up to three events each school year, to be determined by the campus.  These events at Madisonville Elementary will include 1) Christmas, 2) Valentine’s Day, and 3) End-of-School parties.  FMNV may not be given during meal times or in the cafeteria in accordance with federal regulations.                                                                        

BIRTHDAYS- Please be aware that FMNV prohibits parents from bringing food items to school unless it is for one of the designated “school events”.  We would still like to celebrate birthdays at school.  Parents may bring cupcakes/cookies, etc. to the front office to be delivered their child’s class. Please arrangement with the front office staff PRIOR to sending the items. No balloons, toys or glass items.

LEGAL- Please notify us of legal matters concerning your student as soon as possible and bring copies of Court Orders and Power of Attorney documents to the front office.

MEDICATION- If your student requires medication at school, you will need to sign a medication permission form. Medications must be brought in by an adult in the original container. Students may not transport medication for the safety of everyone.

Remember to note all medical conditions on the back side of the registration form.

DRESS- Sleeveless shirts, blouses, and dresses must be hemmed to fit around the arms (no tank tops or thin straps). See through tops, revealing shirts/ dresses and pants that show skin and underwear are prohibited. Boys hair must not exceed past the shirt collar. Natural hair colors on all students. Please see our Tuesday folder for additional dress code information.  

Dr. R. Townsell- Brooks, Principal

Mr. Prince E. Fite, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Amy Farris, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Tonya Guy, Campus Secretary

Mrs. Joanna Michel, Student Services Clerk

Mrs. Rae Lyn Williamson, RN